Wednesday, January 25, 2012

A Hairy Situation

Last night every time I closed my eyes I'd dream about cutting hair. I find it really annoying to go to work and then come home and think about work and then go to sleep and dream about work. It makes for a really long work day.

It wasn't just cutting hair though, it was royally screwing up hair in this ongoing dream. I dreamed that I was doing a haircut but every cut I made looked like total crud. I'd try to fix it and it would just get worse. The client would yell and cry and I didn't know what to do. I kept waking up in a sweat! I even got up and drank some water, turned on the light trying to wash the dream away from my brain but when I laid back down, there it was.

Of course when 8am rolled around I was sleeping super soundly but it was time to get up.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Last night my dream centered around my teeth. I've read lots of things about teeth and dreams. Anxiety, money, others' perception of you, your perception of yourself, pregnancy, etc. I'm pretty sure this one is nothing deep for me. I grind my teeth at night.

I was walking down a summer road, lots of green lawns, white fences, big trees. I crunched down on something and realized it was my tooth so I spit it out like a wad of gum and looked down at it. It was an entire row of teeth, like dentures, all connected. I thought it was strange but it didn't really bother me. There was something else in my mouth so I spit that out. There was another tooth, cracked into a million pieces. I felt around with my tongue and half my teeth were gone. This seemed perfectly normal to me. I mean I wanted my teeth back but I was just a little disappointed.

I woke up and felt around my teeth with my tongue again, all my teeth are still intact.

Dream Home

I had a dream the other night that Dan and I were going to look for a house to rent or buy. We found this perfect house with a huge yard. It was a Victorian. We went inside and I couldn't believe this would be in our price range. I asked Dan how much it was, he said $4300/month. I shook my head at him, but he said "we can swing it". His idea was to break the house into halves and rent out the other half. Except instead of having 2 separate units it would just be sharing the house with strangers. I was not happy about this idea.

We started touring the house and it was gorgeous until we got to the upper levels. The rooms got smaller and smaller with pitched ceilings. Literally crawling through hallways on our stomachs from room to room. I thought to myself, there is NO way I can live here. I am so claustrophobic. Dan didn't seem to mind and he is taller than me so I didn't say much, maybe I was being dramatic.

The people who owned the house were having a party outside, they invited us to enjoy some barbecue with them. Dan left and crawled through the doorway and down the hall. I tried to follow him but got stuck in the small hall. And I never did get any of that barbecue.

Orbit the Moon Once.

A few days ago I had a dream that I won a sweepstakes and a trip to orbit the moon once on a newly invented "rocket plane". It seated about 30 people, 2 seats on each side of the aisle. I told them I wanted to think about the trip because I was scared of flying and wanted Dan to come with me. The trip was also a month and I needed time to prepare. They told me the plane was leaving right now and I had no time to think about it. I got on and everyone else had someone with them. The seat next to me for my guest was empty. I called Dan and he told me how dangerous he thought it was and that I shouldn't go but it was too late. The plane took off into space, I could feel the force of the flight pushing me back in the seat. I was terrified and I knew it'd be at least a month til I could get home again. We got up to the moon, came around the far side on our return path. The lights went out, our engines failed. Oxygen masks came down but no air was flowing. We floated silently. I was sad because I knew I'd never see Dan again.